Tell your childcare provider about Everge

Love Everge? We'd love to support you and your fellow parents with family life. So let's work together to make it happen. Please provide details for the person in charge of your childcare service so we can get in touch with them.

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Ensure the quality care you and your child deserve

All working parents want their children to have the best care possible. Everge allows you and your childcare provider to work together to ensure this - by improved communication, shared updates and full access to our science-backed tips, tricks and training courses. But because we're relatively new, your provider may not know much about us. Here’s how you can help spread the word:

Tell your childcare provider about Everge

A quick chat or email should get the ball rolling.

Tell other parents

With more parents on board, your childcare provider will be quicker to listen and take action.

Speak from experience

Personalising your pitch can make all the difference: What have you found challenging about being a working parent? How would getting regular updates through the app give you peace of mind? How have our parenting tips improved your relationship with your child?

We’re here for every parent

We know no two families are the same and we all face different challenges - from fertility concerns to relationship break-ups. But whoever you are and whatever you're worried about, we're here to offer advice and support every step of the way.

Tell your childcare provider about Everge
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